Sunday 27 January 2013

More, More of the Hot Owen Phoenix

You can't get enough of the Phoenix - just can't keep a good man down! And there are at least 33 posts on this site of Owen so use the labels and follow them to more, more of the hot Owen Phoenix!

Saturday 26 January 2013

More Kid

Some more Kid McCoy

Tuesday 15 January 2013

Bad Jay at the office

I keep trying to educate you guys! Jay Spade has been doing some great fights over the pond recently - check them out. Here he gets one hell of a posting outside the ring and carries the scars too! But if bouts were won on effort, Jay would get it every time...

Monday 14 January 2013

The Phoenix is Back

Look, here's me labouring away over a hot keyboard and you guys just wanna view the Phoenix. So , here's the deal. Some more Phoenix and just try to look at something else whilst you are here - try something new and you might like it!


Tuesday 8 January 2013

More Steel

Fine wrestler from Rock Hard and worth a second blog...


Monday 7 January 2013

Zack attack

I did say that Zack was turning into a fine wrestler. My last selection of shots was rather one sided. So here are some actions shots including a fine wrestler's bridge

Memories of Brookside

When looking back at which blogs were most popular last year, I was surprised that Robbie Brookside did not do so well in the nostlagia category. He is better than that - well in my memory at least. So for us ancients here's two crackling black and whites to see if these get his ratings up.

More McCoy

Those leotard shots reminded me just how young Kid McCoy looked - but always with that steely look and a real fighting attitude.

Wednesday 2 January 2013

Steel Man

Rock Hard Wrestling had a good year last year. Looking around at the evaluations of 2012, this newbie Josh Steel proved rightly popular. Something new for here  - credit to Rock Hard and check out the vids. Let's work out why...

Josh in a head scissors

Something was wrong

Oh - something has been bothering me all day since yesterday's post. Then I remembered. In those nostalgic days when World of Sport really mattered in my life, there was something about that Kid McCoy. It was the white leotard. I found this. Must see if I can do better, but a wrong has beeen righted.

Tuesday 1 January 2013

Rear of the year! A retrospective top five, from 2012 postings

To get Zack into some perspective, the competition facing him from last year looks like this:

Straight in at number one - Arise Sir Owen Phoenix no less! Is there nothing about this man that isn't perfection?

And I like me some Kid next - so patriotic!

And some Danny Boy in at three

A T Brooks at four

And Joey Riley brings up the rear

Zack Sabre - smart arse and...

Just been loking at some pics and realised that Zack has one neat rear end; maybe too much looking back at 2012 is a good thing!


Zack has been working hard with fights in Japan and Europe in 2011. Have been watching his Japan fights over the holidays and he impressed me. The kid has grown into quite a fighter and is one to watch in 2013.
But if all that doesn't quite work for you, looking at what blew your fuses in 2012, here's a shot of Zack that might top everything in 2013!