Sunday 24 February 2013

Saturday 23 February 2013

Phoenix Crushed?

A few shots of Owen Phoenix getting the treatment

Brodie from Rock Hard

Here's Brodie Fisher from Rock Hard. somehow he had blended into the background of one of the Josh Steel fights, but is worth better
Here stretched out, Brodie ecrtainly catches the eye!



Thursday 21 February 2013

Mighty Joey Angelo Garcia

In this match, Joey takes on Doberman, who tries the power holds - and the sleeper. Joey sticks it out for the win. Link at the end if you want to follow up.

Tuesday 19 February 2013

The No rules Saint

Great pics of the Saint from No Rules Wrestling

Zack Attack!

Some pics of Zac Sabre Junior in action

Tuesday 12 February 2013

Josh Steel and the Valentine's Day Massacre

Your most popular wrestler this year wins!

Monday 11 February 2013

Hot off the Press - PWC Wrestling

As my finger is on the pulse, here is some pics from a match on the PWC channel. "What?" I hear you say? A site launched but yesterday? oh yes Mr Slinger is up to date and not just into black and white pics your Mum/Gran/Dad may remember?
Anyway enough rambling - enjoy Joey O'Riley and Matt Cage and Joey's amazing pinfall at the end. And there's a link too if you like what you what you see! (So modern...)

And here is the link to the full match - this must be a site worth watching and be amongst the first!

Sunday 10 February 2013

Josh Steel - yes more!

Remains ever popular on this site - so some more pics!

And use the labels to see more Josh around this site!