Monday 20 May 2013

Angel and Turtle - poor combo

Now Mark Angel has enough to overcome, what with him being a model and all that, its enough to make us suspicious that he doesn't rate the wrestling much. So he goes unbeaten for a year, I post some shots of his modelling, cos I am convinced that the man is a wrestler. OK a fine looking one at that. And then some oaf makes him wrestle a Turtle. Not even very 2013 - a turtle. And Mark looses the fight cos he gets caught on the shell. Some numpty will have him as a jobber soon. Enough. Rant over. At least its Mark...

Kris Travis

Two great shots of Yorkshire's finest! 

Wednesday 15 May 2013

Liverpool's Brookside

And some shots from the past of the Liverpool Lad - Robbie Brookside

Prince Devitt - a right royal!

Some amazing shots of the man they call the Prince!

Jay in trunks

Great to see Jay Spade back after a while away - super fight with Joey O'Riley at pro wrestling collison. And Jay looks good in trunks!

Saturday 11 May 2013

The Prince in Japan

Some shots from the recent trip to Japan

Wednesday 8 May 2013

Return of The Saint

Some great pics of The Siant from No Rules Wrestling - and to prove that there are no rules, see The Saint go down to a stunning chest punch

Wednesday 1 May 2013

Mark Angel - wrestler and model

I mentioned that Mark had done some modelling. He is a good wrestler so forgiving him the modelling bit, here are some great shots of him in action and in full pose!

And a reminder that not all his poses as wrestler are as elegant - nor are his backdrops and venues  always as plush!